There are many kinds of restaurants, places where you go for their fabulous food, but also places where you go for their (romantic?) atmosphere...
This is a list of the top 10 most interesting restaurants in the world, bearing in mind the whole experience. From how famous the main chef is in the culinary world, to attractive ways of preparing food, strange or unusual ingredients, interior that will leave you breathless, and much more...

10. The Ledbury, London, England, the price of a meal for two without wine: $270

This restaurant is on the list of top 10 restaurants in the world. However, compared to other restaurants Ledbury is probably the most "classic" restaurant, which means that its main chef Brett Graham is more interested to provide enjoyment in food than any exhibitionistic cookery. The dishes that are served in this London restaurant may not be as visually unique as elsewhere, but their tastes are deep and complex. All this as well as the chef himself who hunts wild animals that he serves make this place clearly one of the most interesting of the world.

9. Alinea, Chicago, USA, the price of a meal for two without wine: $420

The chef Grant Achatz represents the top of the avant-garde in the culinary world. Menu comrpised of some 18 dishes (more or less) complements a wide variety of cutlery of most varied appearances, which sometimes seems to have been stolen from the Spanish Inquisition. Dinner at this Chicago restaurant is made up of carefully tailored experience that is more than just food - creating a unique and somewhat strange experience - one dish requires guests making their own ravioli, which just a few moments ago was a decorative flag, while the final dessert, a mix of dark chocolate and a hundred other things, the chef prepares on the table right in front of you.

8. Arzak, San Sebastian, Spain, the price of a meal for two without wine: $530

Juan Mari Arzak is one of the great geniuses of the Spanish culinary world, and one of the first chefs who has applied modern techniques and tastes on the local cuisine - in this case cuisine of his native Basque Country. The kitchen in this restaurant is located in a strange building surprisingly sleek on the inside, and is ran by Juan's daughter Elena. She faithfully continues series of innovations applied to the Basque traditional cuisine started by her father. If you are a fan of traditional local dishes with a regional flavor, then this is the place for you.

7. D.O.M. Sao Paulo, Brazil, the price of a meal for two without wine: $400

Given the media love for the chef Alex Atala, who bare-chested stands knee-deep in the mud of his beloved Amazon, covered with fresh giant fish like a modern day Tarzan, perhaps its a bit surprising that his restaurant is so sophisticated. But after just a few bites, you will be completely convinced of the truthfulness of this statement. Even Amazonian ants, which he serves coated with lemon with a slice of pineapple carefully placed, seem elegant.

6. Mugaritz, Errenteria, Spain, the price of a meal for two without wine: $470

Andoni Luis Aduriz is the Aristotle of contemporary cusine, king-philosopher tucked among the hills of the Basque country, about 20 minutes drive from San Sebastian. With his strange and unique dishes, Andoni always manages to surprise and amaze, combined with his almost religious like fascination with the beauty of unspoiled nature all around you.

5. Dinner, London, England, the price of a meal for two without wine: $230

Heston Blumenthal has turned his fascination with the English culinary history into something unusual and interesting for the rest of us. The fancy Dinner is located in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in London and is managed by chef Ashley Palmer-Watts. Traditional (somewhat oddly named) dishes like "Salamugundy" or various combinations of meat with fruit are transformed into almost contemporary works of art. Is this the best restaurant in England? Probably not, but as far as the history lesson go, this one goes down extremely fast.

4. Eleven Madison Park, New York, USA, the price of a meal for two without wine: $450

In this quiet, yet theatrical restaurant, Swiss-born chef Daniel Humm, takes the basic concept of "from-farm-to-table", bewitches it with a bit of French culinary magic, and like an alchemist creates something that can be called a modern classic New York restaurant. Indeed, the sense of place that you will experience here, not only comes from the ingredients and foods that are grown on the spot, but also from Humm’s knowledge of the culinary culture of New York. Excellence and care when it comes to service, modern atmosphere, all contribute to the overall impression of this restaurant.

3. Osteria Francescana, Modena, Italy, the price of a meal for two without wine: $360-525

Behind the sleek façade, the world-class chef Massimo Bottura prepares meals that will blow you away into some fantasy or remind you of some old memories. The first sign that this is no ordinary Italian restaurant comes from contemporary abstract painting that adorn the walls, but his sense for art continues to plates. With a unique ability to turn some simple dishes such as mortadella sandwich symbol of childhood of most ordinary Italians, convert into a variety of delicacies, Massimo dishes will evoke your memories, especially thanks to his masterful storytelling.

2. Cellerde Can Roca, Girona, Spain, the price of a meal for two without wine: $390-480

Cellar deCan Roca is ran by three brothers, Joan the head chef, Joseph the sommelier and pastry chef Jordi, all of whom have learned their crafts from their parents. However it is difficult to imagine anything further away from “parent’s kitchen” compared to what these guys do. Inside, in what is quite possibly the most beautiful interior of any restaurant in Europe, Roca meals will amaze you with their magic, while remaining completely true to their roots of deep flavors of the Mediterranean. If you're lucky, Joseph will take you for a tour through his wine cellars, where the best wines are tested for the sake of multi-sensory pleasures of the lucky guests.

1. Noma, Copenhagen, Denmark, the price of a meal for two without wine: $600

Having lost its position of the best-ranked restaurant in 2013. (it had held the first place for 3 years prior to that), Noma is bursting through all the stitches with its new bustle and activity. Located in an old whale hunters warehouse, this restaurant is the birthplace of the new Nordic cuisine, which relies solely on the ingredients from the region. Today, the restaurant’s influence reaches much further compared to his humble beginnings. It still provides a deep pleasure in both dishes of individual Nordic kitchens – as well as strange combinations of various traditions. Noma continues with its most dedicated and service in the world.


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